And you know what makes it different ?
That it appears to be a voluntary relationship..
We 'make' friends..
We 'choose' friends..
But going deeper into this, we see that friends are 'born'.. not made..Isnt it ?
To keep the long explanation short,
How is it that we learn something different from every true friend we possess ?
How is it that the true friends leave a mark in our life ?
That isnt possible until destined..until He chooses to send them in our life..and Until his wish is the same..

Think over it and you might catch up the subtlety I am trying to describe :-)
Friends : The special someones :-) The special messengers :-)
So even now, though we have the power to choose friends..we actually dont do that..
Friends still remain kisses blown to us by angels..
Aah! Our life force they are!
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