Yes, change is the only constant in life..
Events come and go and the wheel of life keeps moving..
We make so many decisions in life..Hoping for a better change..
And our callous attitude sometimes spoils the things because certain choices cannot be reversed..Certain paths if chosen have to be tread upon..though after completing them, at the next turn the direction indeed can be changed !
But once begun, the work has to be finished..!
Thats what is occupying my mind right now cos I stand at a position in life where I feel that certain choices made at the right time could have mattered a lot..and see a couple of friends in the same scenario..
Just one thing from me pals..!
"Each path, each direction in life brings along experience..enriching us in a form sometimes unknown..But at the right time, all that has to happen will happen..Destiny,we call it! And beautiful are its ways!!.."
And as Guruji says..
"Whatever you are craving for, will anyway come to you.You are holding your fist tight..Just open your hands.." :-)
Jai Gurudeva
Hi Anshika.
ReplyDeleteDo we really have to worry about the choices we make?
He says..
"Choice is yours, blessings are mine". :)
For the past, yes we have to accept and move on..! And learning from them, we have to add experience in making choices in the future.. As long as that is done, worries are far from required! :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for commenting..! Glad to see ya put forth your view..