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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Me..?? Outstanding :-)

When we look around ourselves, we find some people who are extraordinary.These are the personalities who inspire us to be different(atleast me!).Looking at their achievements all you can do is sit with an open mouth :)
They stand where they are today because:

1.They were committed and chose truth and service before pleasure.(read the previous post on commitment for more)

2.They woke up early in the morning and were not lazy bums like us :) shoi agar bura laga toh! :)

3.They chose their path in life and had clear aims.

4.They had the 'utsah' to accomplish their aims and were optimistics.

5.They had all the luck in the world and God's blessings.

Now, we all have one thing in common.
Point no. 5 :P
The rest of them you got to make for yourself :)

P.S. You can add some points of your own here.

Jai Gurudeva




  1. Just like to quote Robin Sharma here-
    "You are here for a purpose, some central mission that has the potential to make you extraordinary. Some main aim that - once focused on - breaks all chains that might have previously bound you. Your challenge is to discover that call. (Hint: it generally exists right where you are)."

    AS they say-I quote other to express myself better! ;) hehehe...

  2. wow!! this really ignites that desire in me to accomplish THAT mission....
    Is this from the book 'The monk who sold his ferrari'??

  3. Yup! :)
    His writings inspire me like nothing else :D

  4. Yup!

    His writings inspire me like nothing else! :)



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