But I remember ( as most of us would ) my first ever friend in school and thereon the friends that touched hearts..taught lessons..broke teeth and got theirs broken :)That was a time when bonds of friendship were just made..they were so very spontaneous..We hardly had a thesis done on ways and means of friendship..That was a time when friends just came and went by..while some stayed..Naturally..not by choice..
And at some point or the other, we all realised that friendship is such a beautiful relationship in life!
Friends are kisses blown to us by angels..
Friends are the ones who make us realise how beautiful we are to the world..
Isnt it ?
And whoever was a friend when we were learning to walk and talk, was all nature's play and this play we saved many a valuable diamonds..
But what about now? When we are big enough to comprehend the subtlety behind this bond?
Do we now choose friends?
We actually go through their resume and give them an entry in our life?
What is it according to you?
Friendship THEN and frienship NOW?
Comment away..
To be continued :)